lunedì 3 novembre 2014

Role of 3- and 2dimensional transvaginal ultrasound(. 3D- 2D ) with power Doppler and gel infusion ( GIS ) for malignancy findings in menopausal bleeding women (il ruolo dell' ecografia ad alta risoluzione 2D-3D con l'ausilio del PowerDoppler e infusione di gel in cavità mediante catetere endouterino sterile nella diagnosi del K. endometriale)

The diagnostic recognition of  "endometrial  cancer " based on 2D and 3D evaluation with P.D( power Doppler ) and gel infusion sonography (GIS ) in a cohort of post-menopausal bleeding women , HAVE shown that :  - presence of specific endometrial pattern( thicknes >5mm )   - >>BMI ( increased body mass index )   - abrupt endo/myometryal junction     - vascular pattern score and blood vessels branching pattern   - echogenicity    - presence of " bright edge    - midline echo    - presence of fluido in endometrial cavity , enable as reliable diagnostic tools. Conclusions :  Endometrial thickness measurement, with a cut-off value of 15mm, performed " best" for predicting endometrial malignancy with 89.7% sensitivity , and remains a very reliable criterion for endometrial cancer risk assessment in postmenopausal bleeding women.

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